Welcome to the Exclusive Collection of Inspirational and Motivational Quotes by Gino Norris. Do note that All my work is exclusively copyright and NO Commercial Gain of any kind is allowed.

#6. Truth will inevitably have a new master

Truth will inevitably have a new master

gino norris

“Every truth depends on its ears or its tongue, depending in which corner you are”

When a conflict of interest does arise and when finding the ‘actual truth’ becomes ‘untruthful’ itself, the game becomes interesting. Inevitably different sides to this conundrum unfold and their truth then becomes the collective that defines each side.

If more are inclined to believe the version of the truth they are most comfortable with, these new believers becomes attracted, and swears allegiance to this group, which becomes ‘the ears’ of that truth. This then grows into a new collective truth and inevitably a new master ascend of that version of the truth.

Over time, that truth may be told to you and hope you become its ears…or maybe you become its Master!

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